Monday, August 22, 2011

Weight just a minute!

I touched on this earlier, while Lindy still had months to go in her pregnancy but it is not like my eating habits have improved in the last 5 or 6 months so i am revisiting the weight gain.

So lets just get the ugly numbers out of the way....I am 5 foot 9inches tall, and at my best weigh 175'ish and at my worst (aka now) 235....when i met Lindy i was at my usual of 185-190 range and am comfortable yeah in 13 months i have gained 45 lbs FML!

I didnt feel too bad about it for most of the pregnancy because Lindy and I were at the same pace and then on May 25th at apx 11:50pm Lindy lost 25 lbs, however i did not. With Lindy breastfeeding she continues to lose weight and shape up and i continue working towards that more roundish shape and getting more and more tired as i do minimal exercise, walk up the stairs at work......get out of the car.

There have been a couple sporadic weeks where we will work out at home together but this vicious cycle of great food and minimal physical exertion is a pretty tough habit to break. It is hard to look over at my mint condition 25lb dumbbells and think "gee, i should go do some exercises with those" despite going on minimal sleep and losing my grip of insanity as i sit in a constant state of fear that Katie will start crying for no reason whatsoever.

I have had some great ideas that would really aid me in getting back to a respectable weight/healthiness level like ohhhhhhh i dunno eating less Jimmy Johns.....orrrrrrrr finding a new hiking trail to take Katie and Lindy to every week, but next thing i know its the weekend and I instead choose to put some more work into breaking in my spot on the couch.

Lindy and I just redid our budget and then we went apartment shopping and got into a place that is $100 cheaper than we budgeted for, so obviously we need to spend that on something and  im thinking its time to go back to the old faithful gym. It is so much easier to be held accountable by strangers' in the gym judgment than it is to hold myself accountable.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Woopsy Daisy!

I guess its been awhile. No real excuse to be honest just being neglectful of my faithful followers.

So obviously a lot of new stuff has happened in the last 5 weeks....lets just go for the rambling blog style isntead of a themed one

Lindy = mother of the year.....i mean holy shit! I thought i was going to be the stronger, more natural parent, but she is just awesome. Believe it or not i get frustrated after a few hours of on and off crying for no reason whatsoever, but Lindy just rolls with it and thats despite having to put up with it full time while i get 40 hours of break when i go to work.

Katie has been through a lot too. I wasnt going to write about this but....i left her in the car. The other day i went to get lunch and get out of the car, walk to the door of the Panera Bread, and go "holy shit i left my baby in the car!" No big deal except when you think about how close it was to a big deal. What if i dont remember at all? So yeah, i have revoked my right to take Katie out by myself until she is old enough to say "hey dumbass dont forget me"

Whichhhhhhhhh at the rate she is growing could be any day now. She is 10 weeks old and already doing stuff that (from what we have read) a lot of 3 - 4 month old babies dont do. She is talking back to us when we talk to her. She is grabbing toys and one time she rolled from her front to her back.....uhhh i dont know shes done some pretty cool stuff

Shes done some pretty scary stuff too....mainly quit breathing. We are taking her to the doctor tomorrow as a matter of fact. A few times she has woken up and went to gasp/cry/something awful and nothing and then she chokes and we freak out. One time we went to the ER, the other we handled it and this last time was a little bit longer of a choke so we called 911 and an ambulance came. From the research we have done it sounds like acid reflux, still its pretty fucking scary.

She was supposed to meet her biological grandma but my mom went fucking crazy again and it was really the last straw. Ill keep the dramatics out of this blog and just say that Katie is lucky to have as many people in her life that love her unconditionally as she does, so the dumbshit biological grandma will be easily replaced.

Here are some pics of Katie and then ill follow this blog up shortly and try to get into a habit of entries....