Monday, January 31, 2011

Bah parenting is easy.....

At this point I'm wondering how any parents screw up really. Dont they have access to all these wonderful books, websites, etc? In our 25th week of pregnancy Lindy and I have already talked over every imaginable situation and value that we could possibly have to deal with/instill in our little Katy and all of our future children. (you hear that y chromosomes? We will keep going until one of you gets it right!)

From religion, to temper tantrums over a toy we refuse to get, to alcohol abuse in high school, we got this covered! What could possible go wrong here that we havent read about and are 100% ready to tackle head on?

Seriously though im finding it hard to write new blogs. Katy is at that boring stage and shes not even born yet. Do i still get pumped and giddy when she kicks while im feeling lindy's stomach? Of course. Do Lindy and i talk about katy as if she is here already, discussing her bubbly personality and sure to be awesome laugh? LDO. But do i think that you all want to read that or really that i could type much more about it than what i just did??? Not really

Lindy and i do not have it figured out obviously. There will be unforeseen situations and reactions to everything we do. We will make mistakes, and we will proly surprise ourselves in a few situations. The important thing is we are taking an active role and giving things a lot of thought. We know how we want to raise our family and we know what we want to instill and are being very involved in learning way to do that and that is honestly all anybody can do. 

Well that and save up for a good therapist

Good luck to you katy 


  1. Booo...I thought this blog would have more offensive stuff in it! hahaha

    BTW...for the sake of your marriage, do not buy vtech toys! You will go insane because they are crazy annoying and all vtech toys have a thing were if there not played with they say "Come play with me" or "Let's have some fun". In a very creepy annoying voice. So just when you were happy and thought your child stopped playing with them, they get your child's attention again! LOL

  2. There is a very disturbing trend occurring in this blog.

