Sorry about the hiatus.....i just needed a break from the whole loving Katy thing. Shes such a boring little baby and i thought if i was an absent father for awhile it would make her realize she better bring her A game or daddy goes bye bye again!
Orrrrr ive just had writers block when it comes to writing about a baby who is not here yet and hasnt had any real milestones since she was like -20 weeks old. You decide which i guess.
We've had some good news and some bad news recently.
Good news....were getting another ultra sound
Bad new.....its because Lindy got the gestational sugar'betes
Honestly i think the doctors are just being cautious with her. She did test high on her glucose tests but ever since shes been taking her blood sugar after regular meals shes not tested yeah. Either way MORE ULTRASOUND PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!
Katy is super active lately and its funny because i can literally wake her up and get her to punch and kick wherever im pushing in on Lindy's stomach.
We have obviously settled in on the Katy spelling and like i said its not really a huge deal either way to me.
So yeah! 9 or 10 more weeks to go but expect an update when we get our ultra sound pics too
Ok peace out M town down.....
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