Monday, January 31, 2011

Bah parenting is easy.....

At this point I'm wondering how any parents screw up really. Dont they have access to all these wonderful books, websites, etc? In our 25th week of pregnancy Lindy and I have already talked over every imaginable situation and value that we could possibly have to deal with/instill in our little Katy and all of our future children. (you hear that y chromosomes? We will keep going until one of you gets it right!)

From religion, to temper tantrums over a toy we refuse to get, to alcohol abuse in high school, we got this covered! What could possible go wrong here that we havent read about and are 100% ready to tackle head on?

Seriously though im finding it hard to write new blogs. Katy is at that boring stage and shes not even born yet. Do i still get pumped and giddy when she kicks while im feeling lindy's stomach? Of course. Do Lindy and i talk about katy as if she is here already, discussing her bubbly personality and sure to be awesome laugh? LDO. But do i think that you all want to read that or really that i could type much more about it than what i just did??? Not really

Lindy and i do not have it figured out obviously. There will be unforeseen situations and reactions to everything we do. We will make mistakes, and we will proly surprise ourselves in a few situations. The important thing is we are taking an active role and giving things a lot of thought. We know how we want to raise our family and we know what we want to instill and are being very involved in learning way to do that and that is honestly all anybody can do. 

Well that and save up for a good therapist

Good luck to you katy 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mozart, Bethoven, Frank

So Katy is growing FAST! Like i said she was already at the top of her 20 week range and now within 2 weeks she has pushed Lindy's belly button out (YUCK!) and kicks non stop. We can see and feel the kicks on the outside of the stomach now and its crazy.

Weve been reading that you can play games with the baby while its still in utero. Like for instance when Katy kicks we will push back on that spot. Allegedly it gets the baby thinking and more often than not she will kick back in the same spot and often times harder. Might just be a coincidence, might be good for the baby, either way its pretty funny and makes me feel like i actually am part of the Katy's life right now, so thats cool. Another thing we read is that babies have a good sense of rhythm from the time they are in utero on. So many parents will play Mozart, Bethoven, stuff that some say will make your baby smarter.....what did we choose to play for Katy?

Now we just have to cross our fingers that Sinatra will calm her down when shes a loud crying baby.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Katy Cash, Katy Cash, Boy Girl AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy? Girl? Alien!!?!??!?!

In early December we made an appointment with a private ultrasound place to determine what the gender the last second we decided meh lets wait it out and save the 100 bucks. At first i was like no big deal, what is a 3 or 4 weeks in the grand scheme of things. Up until about the 3 of January that is. With the gender date that 6th right in sight i was losing it...BIG TIME! Lindy was going nuts, pink or blue whats it gonna be. There is only so much gender neutral stuff one can register for until insanity starts to kick in .

Last night i was up until about 3am. I was a little preoccupied messing around on the internet but really my mind was racing. Its our first baby, boy or girl im going to be happy. But lets be real here, being a dad to a boy, and being a dad to a girl are two totally different things. Seriously though i would be just as happy either way. So we drove to the hospital and talked the whole way about how excited we were. 

The nurse hooked up the ultra sound and we were off. Of course baby ______ was not being cooperative at first. Baby _______ was rolling around, crossing its legs, flipping us off, just everything it could do and then in one swift motion captured on the monitor the gender was shown. We both grinned ear to ear and watched the rest of the ultrasound as baby _______ got high grade after high grade on it's development of organs, limbs, etc. 
Yup still perfect!

Perfect little foot!

Such high grades in fact that i think Lindy might be due in a few weeks and not a few months. Typical babies at 20 weeks weigh about 11ounces. Our baby measured in at 15!!!! Thank god us dads dont have to push that out. I have never been more pro epidural than right now thinking that our baby is about 33% bigger than most babies. God bless you Lindy. 

We left the hospital and went for a big celebratory meal (which is about an average meal for lindy nowadays......ok who am i kidding its an average meal for both of us). We finished up and went shopping for the most gender defining outfits we could find and we bought 6 total outfits at once!!! Boy or girl can you say spoiled. 

So a big day today and were happy with our perfect

See you later


Proud Dad of a little

